A long time ago, a child was walking through a meadow in whose center he found a tree with a sign that said: I am an enchanted tree, if you say the magic words, you will see it.
The boy tried to hit the spell, and tried with abracadabra, supercalifragilisticoespialidoso, tan-ta-ta-chán, and many others, but nothing. Rendered, he threw himself pleadingly, saying, "Please, little tree !!", and then, a large door opened in the tree. Everything was dark, except for a sign that said: "keep doing magic". Then the boy said "Thank you, little tree !!", and a light was lit inside the tree that illuminated a path towards a large mountain of toys and chocolate.
The boy was able to take all his friends to that tree and have the best party in the world, and that's why it is always said that "please" and "thank you" are the magic words.